Chakra Four - The Heart. I am loved; I let love in. I am kind to myself. I live in peace and gratitude.
All of these words resonate with me, some more than others on different days. They are related, I believe, to my mental and emotional state. I am often drawn to "I am kind to myself."
I have not discussed the colors related to each chakra, but you may be interested in them. They are the same as we see in rainbows: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. This places the green with the heart. Chakra One, red; Chakra Two, orange; Chakra Three, yellow; etc.
If you are trying meditating on the chakras, associating the appropriate color may be of help.
I do find it a help placing my hand on the heart when using Chakra Four.
Placing the hands in prayer pose against the heart center for 3 or more minutes brings awesome results. Warmth and peace.