Friday, April 20, 2018


We are filled both days for the Yoga Mindfulness Retreats!  Joanne, Annette, and I are excited and eager to welcome you Saturday (TOMORROW) morning and Sunday (THE NEXT DAY)  We are keeping our fingers crossed for no rain on Sunday until after our quiet time, but we will retreat and be mindful.  No matter what!  Maybe we'll do the quiet time first thing if we are sure it will begin raining later.  Count on it, you will be mindful some of the time while you are here - I promise!

Monday, April 16, 2018

Listen and HEAR at the Yoga Mindfulness Retreat

Listening and HEARING
One of the basic principles of mindfulness is practicing listening to HEAR.  One activity for the day of the retreat is spending 5 minutes in a dyad (with a partner), preferably someone you do not know personally.  A will speak, B will listen to hear.  Then you will swap places and B will speak as A listens.  The person listening will not speak during the listening period.
At previous retreats, this practice has been one of the favorite activities.  For some, the speaking was easy - it was the listening without speaking yet paying close attention and HEARING that was challenging.  Don't worry, you won't be tested.  Only you will know what happened and what you learned about LISTENING and HEARING unless you choose to discuss it later.

It's all about MINDFULNESS.
ONE space left on Saturday, Sunday is filled.

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Unusual Sites in the Woods near The Yogatorium

Here is another unusual site in the woods near The Yogatorium that is still standing, but NOT still in use.  My mother had this built many years ago when she was holding Girl Scout campouts here and there was no running water in the Cabin.  Now, we have three separate bathrooms with full facilities available for your use.

We now have one space available on Saturday, but Sunday is FULL.  Thanks to all of you who have been spreading the word!  A few of you have not yet sent in your $30.  Please do that now - making your check to Jaquie Haymond, not The Yogatorium.  THANKS!  Of course, if for some reason that's not a good idea for you, you may pay when you arrive.  The address is 1909 Tillman Territory Rd., Ninety Six, SC  29666.

By the way, GPS sometimes leads people astray.  When you arrive at our mailboxes, you may hear "Your destination is on the right."  It is not on the right if you have come via Ninety Six and Hwy 248 where you have come to Tillman Territory Road and turned left.  If this is confusing, call me at 864-506-4063 so you don't waste time looking for The Yogatorium.  When you turn into the driveway, it will be the second building with the parking lot and the red door.

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Explore the Surrounding Woods at the Retreat

Jaquie in a Tree Cave near the labyrinth
You never know what kind of miracle you will find in the woods.  This spot is near the labyrinth within a short walk and then a downhill stretch to the old roadbed on the property.  This is one of the activities you can enjoy while being silent.   Of course, you need to wear some comfortable shoes or boots to enjoy this.  But, there are plenty of places to walk that are not so challenging.

Begin looking now for a stone to bring with you from home to be placed in the center of the labyrinth And,  if you find a very large one, maybe at least 6 inches in diameter, please bring it to place in the border of the labyrinth.  We have plenty of room for more.

Friday, April 13, 2018

Yoga on the Deck

Yoga on the Deck 
Now that the pollen is gone? nearly gone?  Soon we will be practicing yoga on the deck of The Yogatorium.  It is truly delightful - even the seated forward bends are less troublesome under the trees and the sky.   Look forward to spending time on the deck during the Yoga Mindfulness Retreat.  Now there is still ONE space available Sunday April 22, and THREE on Saturday, April 21.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Silent Period and Journaling at The Yoga Mindfulness Retreat

Recently I found this in one of my journals and want to share it with you.  During our April 21 and 22 Yoga Mindfulness Retreat, these thoughts may be useful to you.  Writing in your journal is one of the activities you may choose during the 2-hour period of silence.  (What that really means is simply that there is no talking.)  I remember my first attempt at a silent period during a two-day retreat when many moments I was tempted to speak.  The most difficult time was during the meals.  I learned to sit anywhere but directly across from someone.  Once our eyes met it was nearly impossible to NOT say something.  I learned quickly to NOT look at another person.  After the first day, it became easier, but still very difficult not acknowledging the presence of another person.  BUT, the silent periods were very rewarding.  Now I look forward to daily silent periods and even find myself during the day NOT responding to every single thing another person says!  Try it, you might like it!  As with any new practice, it takes practice.  It is a way to make "the mind tranquil and pure."  Bring your own journal if you wish, but we'll provide a pad you can use.

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Constructing Earth Paintings at The Yogatorium

Creating an Earth Painting is one of the most rewarding experiences one can have on a retreat. Spending time in nature and finding pieces that "speak" to you, arranging them, and  just appreciating the messages that arise can be a memorable event.  Here are two examples from my experiences.
If you build one you may also want to photograph it.  In practice, we ordinarily keep them and revisit one or two times before returning all the pieces to a natural setting, in other words, disassembling the unnatural arrangement after spending another few moments of just being with it.  And, you don't necessarily need to go deep into the woods.  One student even built an Earth Painting on her deck.

Still space left on Saturday, April 21.  Get your reservation in so you, too, can enjoy the experiences awaiting you at The Yogatorium.

Monday, April 9, 2018

Monday Update for Yoga Mindfulness Retreat

OK.  Here's the scoop.  Sunday is full but there is a possibility one person can switch to Saturday.  Saturday has room for 6 more people.

Now to "Maintaining Silence Activities" No. 6.  Spend time in a hammock watching the clouds.  (There are two hammocks - one on each side of the Cottage.)
In case you're wondering what happened to the first 5 activities, I'll get to them as I find photos to accompany each one.  Actually there are 11 different activities in my list so far.  And, some of my students say "There is no way I can be silent for that long!"  I'm here to say that you can and that it may be one of the most surprising two hours of your life.

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Retreat Activity during silent period - Color a Mandala

"Coloring a mandala reminds us of our own center and guides us to an experience of the eternal Now.  Whatever way you choose to color a mandala, you will find that the kinesthetic activity of coloring geometric patterns is soothing.  Coloring mandalas can energize--and also provide a welcome release of energies. "

This is just one of many activities you may choose while being silent and going inward.  None of the activities will be required, of course.

I will continue each day posting  potential activities for you to think about and perhaps choose during the two-hours of silence.

There is still space available.

Saturday, April 7, 2018

Yoga Mindfulness Retreat - UPDATE - Walking the Labyrinth

As of now,  we have a possible two openings on Sunday and 5 or 6 on Saturday.  One person is willing to shift from Sunday to Saturday.  Let us know if you need to make a change.  If you haven't gotten your reservation in yet, now is the time!
Check here each day for more information about what we will be doing during the retreat days.  A schedule of events is in yesterday's posting.
Labyrinth at The Yogatorium
Today we will begin looking at some of the things that you may choose to do during the 2-hour silent period.

Walking the labyrinth is a type of walking meditation  There are no blind spots.  It is one continuous path.

I consider the inward walk an opportunity to OPEN my heart, the center a place to LISTEN with my heart, and the outward walk a time for setting my INTENTION to follow through.

You may find it simply a pleasant way to be quiet and LISTEN to your inner voice.

The labyrinth is just across the dam on the other side of the Pond.

Friday, April 6, 2018

Schedule for Retreats April 21 and 22, 2018

              The Yoga Mindfulness Retreat Schedule
Limited to 10 participants each day.
Total fee $30. Please pay by April 15. Make checks payable to Jaquie Haymond. Joanne Burkett at 864-396-8757 or Jaquie  at 864-506-4063 or See for more information or to ask questions.
10:00 Opening Sacred Space – Standing in circle in The Yogatorium Check-in around circle, seated (Why I am here?)
Handouts overview
11:00 Yoga for Any Body - Joanne Burkett

45 minutes moving
5 minutes relaxation
12:00 SILENT PERIOD - until 2:00 Bring your own lunch. 

2:00 Back to Circle
Work in Dyads - Listening and Hearing
3:00 Restorative Yoga - Annette Greenway
4:00 Breathing practice - Guided Meditation
Closing Sacred Space - standing in circle
4:30 Wine and Cheese in Guest House

The Yogatorium, 1909 Tillman Territory Rd., Ninety Six, SC 29666 

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Yoga Mindfulness Retreat April 21 and 22

Here's just one relaxing pose for Yoga Mindfulness practice.
And here are a few notes for the Retreats on April 21 and 22 to give you an idea of some of what it is all about.   Hurry if you want to be here - call Joanne Burkett at 864-396-8757 or me, Jaquie, at 864-506-4063.  $30 full fee.  Spaces are filling fast!
Yoga Mindfulness Retreat Notes
April 21 and 22, 2018

Mindfulness is the psychological process of bringing one’s attention to experiences occurring in the PRESENT MOMENT which can be developed through the practice of meditation.  (Wikipedia)

Meditation is a practice where an individual focuses their mind on a particular object, thought, or activity to achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm state.    (Wikipedia)

How do we become mindful?  Meditate - Focus - PAY ATTENTION

What happens when we do that?
We learn to look and SEE, listen and HEAR.

We become AWAKE and AWARE.

See more insider notes about the Yoga Mindfulness Retreats tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Return to Blogging - Yogatorium Mindfulness Retreats Update

FINALLY I'm back!  I apologize for the long gap in connecting.  Finally spent time yesterday at the Apple Store Genius Bar in Augusta and am back up and running.
I'll give you more details later today, but know for now that the Sunday, April 22, retreat is full.  But, there are still 7 spaces for the Saturday, April 21, retreat.  We will put your name on a "wait" list for Sunday in case someone cancels or switches to Saturday.  BUT, to be safe, send $30 now for your reservation.  Please make checks payable to Jaquie Haymond and send to 1909 Tillman Territory Rd., Ninety Six, SC, 29666.  Call for more info, but I'll be in class this morning from 10 to 11.  864-506-4063 or call Joanne at 864-396-8757.